Our work, our passion .......
We are an Amateur Sports Association founded in 1985 and which regularly registers over 80 athletes between young people and adults.
The care in choosing the coaches and the Teamleaders for the youth and senior teams, the idea of always having an excellent corporate climate are the basis of the activity. The activity is constantly monitored by the national federation with which the exchange of ideas and information is continuous.
The company philosophy plans to start hockey for children from about 5 years old to make them grow and love the fastest team sport in the world, aware that a young person dedicated to a sporting activity continuously together with his parents will become an active and positive citizen. The basic idea is to let all the boys play (and there is room for everyone), above all to learn a sport, as a team, loyal, tiring, fascinating, participating in competitive championships, international tournaments and friendly matches. Every trip or meeting is an enrichment for everyone.
In this context, the entire voluntary, prepared and attentive organization that manages and follows the movement believes that it is providing a healthy and proactive environment.
Management & staff
The current Board continues the work of the unforgettable president Mauro Dallapiccola from 2018, planning for the next three years (as 2022 / 23-2024 / 25) a program based on the further expansion of the hockey training for children, the consolidation of the youth teams under 7, 9, 11, 13 and of the collaborations with neighboring clubs for the higher youth categories, in addition to the regular participation of the young senior team in the Italian ice hockey championship - IHL Division 1._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
President: Fulvio Vanzo
Vice President: Andrea Varesco
Secretary: Alessandra Brighenti
Cashier: Andrea Varesco
Director: Monica Schench
Director: Alessia Bolech
Director: Leonardo Cavazzana
Director: Paolo Ciurletti
Councilor: Teodosio Lanzillotti
Director: Michele Ranzi
Director: Matteo Svaldi
Councilor: Marcello Sighel
Director: Massimo Faifer
Director: Marco Conci
Director: Danilo Gilli
Director: Massimiliano Giacomello
L’associazione è una struttura aperta e chiunque può diventare socio.
Perché diventare un socio?
- credo nei principi di uguaglianza, democraticità e partecipazione
- voglio essere parte attiva dell‘associazione
- i nostri tigrotti hanno bisogno del mio contributo
Contattaci al numero 349 6365 405 oppure scrivici a info@hcpine.it per informazioni e per diventare socio.
Who we are